quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010


à SIMPLE PAST = Passado simples
É utilizado para representar ações completamente terminadas, no passado 

Formação: Verbo no infinitivo(sem o to) + terminação ED
          EX: I loved you so much.
               She ate a hamburger last night.
               They worked in my house.

    1- Formação: Verbo auxiliar ( to have) + Verbo principal ( past participle)
    I, You, We, They – have
    He, She, It – has

               EX: I have studied Chemistry
                    Jane has eaten pizza.

    2- Formação : Verbo auxiliar (to have) + Verbo principal ( past participle) +
                                                                                     SICE ( desde) ou
                                                                                     FOR  (durante)
              EX:  Tainá has studied at APOIO since 2003.
                     I have lived here for 3 years .

à PAST PERFECT= Ação passada que ocorreu antes de outra ação também.

1-     Formação: Verbo auxiliar ( to have) + Verbo principal ( past participle)
      1ª ação =  Past Perfect
      2ª ação = Simple Past

Se vier o pronome BEFORE fica primeiro PAST PERFECT depois o SIMPLE PAST
                           AFTER                      SIMPLE PAST                 PAST PERFECT
                           WHEN                       PAST PERFECT              SIMPLE PAST

EX: John had read the book before he saw te film.
      Jean  called me after he had finished his homework.
      Paul had phoned when his father arrived.

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